Online Planning

Don't try this at home, we are the experts!

Four steps to your Estate Plan…

Protect your estate, protect your legacy. Start your estate plan online with us. With over 30+ years of experience we will personalize all aspects of your Last Will or Living Trust.

You are just 4 easy steps from protecting your family.

Step 1:

Review the Overview Document

Step 2:

Complete the following worksheet

Step 3:

Select the Plan that best fits you.

*These fees do not include Notary fees or recording fees.

Step 4:

Email the worksheet to me with your choice of plan.

Let me know if you would like a call and what time would be best for you. Or we can work through email.

[email protected]

I will email you an invoice you can pay online.

When your payment is in I will create the preliminary documents and email them to you to review. If all looks correct, I will create the final documents, print them out and put them in a binder with tabs and instructions for signing and notary. I will Fed Ex the binder to you.


The documents do need to be signed and notarized per the instructions. They are of no value until you take that step. Deeds will need to be recorded and accounts changed to the name of the trust. You will have the documents to do all of that but you will have to do the “leg” work.

Want to meet with me to discuss your situation? Contact us today!

Latest Podcasts

EP 6: Online Estate Planning

by Art Pauly | Estate Planning

EP 5: All It Should Be

by Art Pauly | Estate Planning

EP 4: Keeping Your Plan Updated

by Art Pauly | Estate Planning

Contact Info

Pauly Law Offices

Administrative Offices
2236 Banbury Circle
Roseville, CA 95661

[email protected]

(916) 207-7526

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